შშმ პირებზე ადაპტირება

National Environmental Agency

The guidelines have been developed with the involvement of international experts to improve ambient air quality monitoring

Environmental pollution monitoring

In the framework of the ongoing project "Strengthening Data Processing and Modeling Capacities to Improve Air Quality Monitoring in the Country - Phase II" at the National Environmental Agency of the Ministry of Environment and Agriculture, international experts have developed guidance documents and reports to improve air quality monitoring in the country.

In order to validate the ambient air quality monitoring data, the Agency has strengthened its capabilities in implementing software that will enable the Agency's specialists to validate the monitoring data in accordance with European standards. In addition, user manuals and operation of the software system have been developed by the foreign experts.

It is noteworthy that within the project, the agency has also strengthened its capacity to introduce air quality modeling. The specialists of the agency studied the methods of preparation, input and processing of the relevant data in the model. An appropriate technical manual has been developed by the foreign expert.

Within the framework of the project, a guide for data verification and reporting was developed by one of the international experts, which will help the Agency to exchange and report data on air quality with the relevant European authorities in accordance with the norms established by the European Union.

The project "Strengthening Data Processing and Modeling Capacities to Improve Air Quality Monitoring in the Country - Phase II" is supported by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Government of Sweden.