შშმ პირებზე ადაპტირება

National Environmental Agency

Expected Weather Forecast for the 2021-2022 Winter Season


According to the Climate Forecast Forum of the countries of the South-Eastern Europe region, including Georgia (SEECOF-26) prepared for the winter season 2021-2022, the high pressure area will spread to Central Europe and the northern Mediterranean, and from the south will be affected by low pressure.

Based on the above given forecast, the average air temperature in the territory of Georgia in the winter season of 2021-2022 is most likely within the climatic norm or higher than the norm, and the amount of atmospheric precipitation is expected within the norm.

According to the specialists, in some days of the winter season the temperature may decrease at night in the lowlands of Western Georgia -7, -9; In the mountains -13, -14; In the high mountains -16, -17; In the bar of Eastern Georgia -8, -13; -14, -18 in the mountains, -21, -27 in the highlands.