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National Environmental Agency

Using modern remote sensing methods, geological hazards were assessed, and a map and report were prepared in Kazbegi


The final meeting of the project "Assessment of the territory in terms of flood risk using innovative technology" was held at the National Environmental Agency of the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture. At the meeting, the results of the work carried out were discussed.

Within the framework of the project, geological hazards (landslides, mudslides, rockfalls, rock falls, etc.) were carried out in Kazbegi Municipality using modern remote sensing methods, field geological surveys were conducted, as well as trainings on data processing using modern technology. At the last stage of the project, a relevant map and report were prepared and submitted to the Geology Department of the National Environment Agency.

The project "Assessing the Territory for Flood Threats Using Innovative Technology" is funded by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and implemented by the Czech Geological Survey.