შშმ პირებზე ადაპტირება

National Environmental Agency

World Meteorological Day 23 of March


The supervisers of the National Environmental Agency of the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture congratulated the specialists of the Hydrometeorology Department on their professional day.

National Environmental Agency, the Head of the Hydrometeorology Department made a presentation on important projects and talked about future plans during the meeting.

It is noteworthy that in recent years, significant work has been done to expand the hydrometeorological monitoring network throughout Georgia. Two modern meteorological radars of modern standards have been installed and put into operation near Kutaisi and Kiketi village. Using the radars, it is possible to determine the amount and intensity of precipitation expected on the territories of Eastern and Western Georgia, which ensures timely delivery of forecast information and warnings to the relevant agencies about possible natural disasters caused by them.

Also, more than 50 units of automatic stationary devices for measuring hydrometeorological parameters were installed and maintained, which helps to improve the meteorological forecast and more complete assessment of the hydrometeorological regime in the country.

90 meteorological and 68 hydrological observation points are being monitored.
concerning for the International Meteorological Day, a public lecture was held at the initiative of the National Science Library, where a representative of the Hydrometeorological Department of the Agency spoke about the history of development of the field and modern achievements.

For the celebration of the International Meteorological Day, the students of the European School visited the Hydrometeorological Department of the National Environment Agency. The children had the opportunity to get acquainted with the work process of the short-term forecasting service on the spot.
The establishment of World Meteorological Day on March 23, 1950, is associated with the entry into force of the World Meteorological Organization Convention, on the basis of which the United Nations World Meteorological Organization (WMO) was established. Georgia Meteorology Day has been celebrated since 1992, after the country joined the World Meteorological Organization.