შშმ პირებზე ადაპტირება

National Environmental Agency

June 2 is Kura Protection Day!

Environmental pollution monitoring

Kura Protection Day was established at the initiative of the “Kura-Araks” coalition in Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan in 1999.

The National Environmental Agency regularly monitors the quality of the Kura River basin at 19 points on a monthly basis, and at 33 points once every three months. The results of these studies are published on the website of the National Environmental Agency.

The specialists of Ambient Air, Water and Soil Analysis Laboratory of the Agency took water samples from the Kura River on the occasion of Kura Protection Day. Physico-chemical parameters of the samples were determined on site, while organic and inorganic contaminants and heavy metals will be checked at the Agency’s laboratory, the results of which will be known in a few days.

Kura is a main river of Georgia. Kura River basin includes northeastern Turkey, all central and eastern Georgia, almost all of Azerbaijan, all of Armenia, and northwestern Iran. The total area of ​​the river basin is 188 000 square kilometers, and the total length is 1515 kilometers.