შშმ პირებზე ადაპტირება

National Environmental Agency

Expansion of fresh groundwater monitoring network is underway


The National Environment Agency under the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture is actively working on the improvement of fresh groundwater monitoring network in the country.

Within the framework of the EU funded project “European Union Water Initiative Plus for the Eastern Partnership” (EUWI+ 4 EaP) 7 new automatic stations were arranged on the wells located in the Kakheti region.

The stations are installed in Alazani artesian basin area, namely in Gurjaani, Sighnaghi, Kvareli and Lagodekhi municipalities and are equipped with the latest hydrogeological equipment, which allows continuous monitoring of key quantitative and qualitative characteristics of groundwater (debit, temperature, solid particles dissolved in water, conductivity, hydrogen-ion concentration) and automatic submission of data to the National Environment Agency.

Based on the obtained data, it is possible to detect variability of fresh groundwater characteristics over time that allows to make short or long-term hydrogeological forecasts.

Improving monitoring of water resources is a significant prerequisite for fulfilment of obligations under the EU Water Framework Directive and for the introduction of the principles of integrated water resources management in the framework of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement.