შშმ პირებზე ადაპტირება

National Environmental Agency

March 22 is World Water Day

Environmental pollution monitoring

According to the resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, International Day for protection of water resources is celebrated on March 22.
The purpose of establishing and celebrating this day is to remind the world community once again of the importance of conserving and protecting water resources.

The National Environment Agency conducts continuous monitoring of groundwater and surface water throughout the country. During recent years the monitoring network is expanding more and more. With the support of the European Union, 7 new automatic groundwater monitoring stations have been installed in the Kakheti region and 12 modern automatic water level measuring gauges have been installed in Khrami-Debeda and Iori-Alazani river basins. The Black Sea coastal waters of Georgia were also monitored in the framework of the same project (EUWI+).

Improving monitoring of water resources is a significant prerequisite for fulfilment of obligations under the EU Water Framework Directive and for the introduction of the principles of integrated water resources management in the framework of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement.

On World Water Day the specialists of the National Environment Agency took water samples from Lisi Lake. Chemical tests of the samples will be performed in the laboratory of the National Environment Agency. The results will be known in a few days.