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National Environmental Agency

The National Environment Agency has launched a new project to improve air quality monitoring

Environmental pollution monitoring

The National Environment Agency of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, with the support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Government of Sweden, is working continuously to improve air quality monitoring in the country.

With international support, the Agency launched a new project “Strengthening data processing and modelling capacities to ensure better air quality monitoring countrywide - Phase II”.  Within the project it is planned to strengthen the capacity of the National Environment Agency that will ensure comprehensive analysis of data received from automated air monitoring stations. An atmospheric air quality modelling system will be introduced within the new project in order to activate air pollution level forecasting, as well as data verification and validation mechanism.

Ambient air pollution is a significant challenge both worldwide and in Georgia. To solve this problem, one of the most effective tools is to conduct continuous monitoring of air pollution and analysis of pollutants. According to the Association Agreement, Georgia should establish a well-developed system of ambient air monitoring and develop an appropriate ambient air protection policy.

The new project " Strengthening data processing and modelling capacities to ensure better air quality monitoring countrywide - Phase II" will be implemented by the National Environment Agency with the financial support of the Government of Sweden and Governance Reform Fund (GRF) of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).