შშმ პირებზე ადაპტირება

National Environmental Agency

The National Environmental Agency is equipped with hydrometeorological stations


The National Environmental Agency of the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture, with the financial support of the Green Climate Fund and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP Georgia), purchased 89 modern hydrometeorological stations.

The stations provide continuous measurement of meteorological parameters, atmospheric pressure, air temperature and synovium, amount of precipitation, wind speed and direction, and data transmission online.

Hydrometeorological stations and checkpoints will be installed throughout Georgia, in specially selected areas by the end of 2023. The cost of 89 units of the new hydrometeorological station is 4 296 873 GEL.

It should be noted that the construction of the calibration laboratory of the National Environmental Agency will be completed this year, which will be equipped with modern standard equipment purchased under the project. The laboratory will provide services for the smooth operation of new, modern standard stations.