შშმ პირებზე ადაპტირება

National Environmental Agency


Set up of stationary network (hydrometeorological observation network) for observing meteorological parameters, surface waters and coastal hydrological parameters, ensuring its proper functioning (in accordance with the requirements of the World Meteorological Organization);

Regular collection and analysis of meteorological data and synoptic products from global network of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO);

Carry out installation works of hydrometeorological observation equipment, ensure metrological maintenance of measuring instruments;

Ensure collection of data from hydrometeorological observation network on the territory of Georgia and its operative (daily) dissemination at national and international levels;

Regular receipt/collection of satellite meteorological information;

Compilation and dissemination of weather and hydrological short-, medium- and long-term general and specialized forecasts;

Identification of causes of natural hydrometeorological events and areas of their spread, participation in identification of negative consequences caused by these events;

Preparation of warnings on hydro-meteorological disasters expected on the territory of Georgia and their immediate provision to decision-making authorities, concerned physical and legal entities and mass media;

Execution of expeditionary hydrometeorological works: execution of hydrometric and topo-geodesic planning works at surface waters (river, lake, reservoir), determination of physical parameters of snow accumulated in mountainous and highland zones of river basins, study of ongoing processes at glaciers, conducting marine observations; 

Processing of hydrometeorological observation data and data quality control;

Statistical processing of multi-year hydrometeorological data, their presentation in GIS format, formation of databases;

Preparation of climatic handbooks, hydrological cadastres, hydrometeorological bulletins, reviews and other reference materials;

Studying of physical processes of climate change; compilation and dissemination of long-term climate forecasts;

Zoning of the country’s territory according to the frequency and intensity of natural hydrometeorological events;

Assessment of hydrometeorological hazards on the territory of Georgia;

Preparation of specialized hydrometeorological information and informational products on the basis requests of various sectors of the economy (agriculture, energy, aviation, navy, roads and railways, construction, tourism, etc.), and other interested physical and legal entities and provision of this information to customers;

Carrying out active impact works on unfavorable hydrometeorological events (snow avalanches, hail, drought, fog) or taking part in these works;

International cooperation in the field of hydrometeorology within its competence; 

Assessment of the impact of anthropogenic factors on the development of sea coastline;

Conduct coastal shelf exploration works. Study of hydro- and lytho-dynamic processes of the Black Sea basin; prediction of these processes to ensure sustainability of marine landscape;

Planning and design of marine infrastructure facilities and river bank protection facilities;

Preparation of expert opinions on environmental impact assessment (EIA) reports within the scope of its competence;

Within the scope of its competence, exercise other powers defined by legislation.